Friday, October 22, 2010

Maze of 15th letter of the alpha-bet, Uppercase O, by Yonatan Frimer

Maze of the letter O - Upper-CaseMaze O letter mazes alphabet maze

Click here for the Maze Solution of Upper-Case "O" Maze

Maze of the 15th letter in the English alphabet, the letter O. Using a centrally located vanishing point and alternating the shade of the lines in a chequered pattens, the illusion of the letter O is created in the maze. The optical illusion is caused by the mind's eye forcing the brain to recognise lines that are not completely there, yet exist in the maze. Maze entrance and exit are in the upper left and lower right corners.

Created by Yonatan Frimer

Click here to check out more Yonatan Frimer Maze art.
Maze Blog by Yonatan Frimer
Another Maze Blog by Yonatan Frimer

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Check out other mazes of the alphabet.
Letter B maze, second letter in the alphabet, upper-caseLetter A Maze

Letter X maze, twenty-fourth letter in the alphabet, upper-caseLetter B maze, fourteenth letter in the alphabet, upper-case

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