Thursday, October 7, 2010

Awesome maze art by Yonatan Frimer

Happy Illusion Maze, By Yonatan Frimer
Optical Illusion of a happy face
Happy Illusion Maze, click to view the maze larger
Can't solve it? click here for the solution of the happy maze

Beware of the maze, maze of the dog, by Yonatan Frimer
maze of a barking dog, by yonatan frimer
"Beware of the Maze"

statue of liberty maze pschedelic maze art
Maze of the Statue of Liberty

maze comics, team of monkeys on a tower crane Maze of Lady Gaga Stefani Joanne Angelina GermanottaMaze of Lily Allenmaze comics, team of monkeys poping a wheely on a motorcycleMadonna Ciccone Portrait Maze

Elephant Maze
Elephant Maze Comic
Maze of an elephant with his trunk raised.

Maze Zen - Pyschedelic Ying Yang Maze
psychedelic ying yang maze
Maze Zen - Pyschedelic Ying Yang Maze

Maze of a rose - Flower Maze
Maze of a rose
Don't forget to water your mazes.

John Lennon Psychedelic Maze Portrait
Imagine All The MAzes
Imagine All The Mazes

Mazes have feelings too: Maze portrait of Lily Allen
Maze of Lily Allen
Maze portrait of Lily Allen

Maze Rushmore
maze rushmore, mt. rushmore maze
Psychedelic maze of mount rushmore

Maze of Heart
Maze of heart
Maze of a Human Heart, by Yonatan Frimer

Click here to view more mazes like these
Click here for maze cartoons
Click here for a maze blog

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