Maze Portait of Rodney Dangerfield

"My Mazes Get No Respect" - By Y. Frimer
Mazes Celebrity Portraits Activity Booklet
Blivet Maze - Optical illusion maze of an impossible object.

Blivet Maze - 2009, By Yonatan Frimer
“They that mistake life's accessories for life itself are like them that go too fast in a maze: their very haste confuses them”
Maze of Gilad Shalit in Uniform PDF of this maze
Maze of Gilad Shalit in Uniform PDF of this Maze"My Mazes Get No Respect" - By Y. Frimer
Mazes Celebrity Portraits Activity Booklet
Blivet Maze - Optical illusion maze of an impossible object.
Blivet Maze - 2009, By Yonatan Frimer
“They that mistake life's accessories for life itself are like them that go too fast in a maze: their very haste confuses them”
Seneca quotes (Roman philosopher, mid-1st century AD)
Maze of Gilad Shalit in Uniform PDF of this maze
Maze of the Statue of Liberty - 2009
Maze of Liberty - 2009 - Yonatan Frimer
Maze of Monkey Illusion - 2009
Optical illusion maze caused by conflicting horizontal and vertical lines.
Maze of Monkey Illusion - 2008 - By Yonatan Frimer